The Seton Keough High School, Baltimore, Head Coach Jackie Boswell has been looking forward to this basketball season since her seniors were freshmen.Read More
LOS ANGELES – Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony told archdiocesan priests in October that he was assaulted during the summer by a man who was angry over the church’s sexual abuse scandal, according to reports from priests who attended the annual meeting.Read More
MANAGUA, Nicaragua – At Managua’s La Chureca garbage dump in Nicaragua, thousands of vultures swarm through thick, acrid smoke rising out of burning and smoldering mounds of garbage.Read More
SAN FRANCISCO – Human embryonic stem cells will play a role in stem-cell research for years to come as scientists try to confirm a promising technique that reprograms adult cells to mimic embryonic stem cells, according to the interim chief of California’s state-funded stem-cell research institute.Read More
As the scaffolding comes down around the Baltimore landmark St. Vincent de Paul, parishioners, pedestrians and motorists, as well as the homeless camped in front of the church, will see the cross replaced on the tower of one of the oldest Catholic church buildings in the city.Read More
With the stroke of a pen, uninsured east Baltimore immigrants gained the promise of a permanent health care facility with broader medical services, five days a week.Read More
Inside the same chapel where he once worshipped as a seminarian and faculty member at St. Mary’s Seminary and University, Roland Park, Father Thomas R. Hurst, S.S. was officially installed as the new president-rector of his alma mater during a festive Nov. 30 celebration led by Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien.Read More
Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien has begun the process of establishing his presbyteral council, a key consultative body of priests from throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore required by the Code of Canon Law.Read More
St. John the Evangelist, Hydes, parishioner and Fallston High School student Emily McGraw is working with members of the school’s history club on a project to help soldiers in Iraq.Read More
GUANGZHOU, China – The new bishop of the Guangzhou Diocese has been described as an “amiable person” who knows how to work in delicate situations.Read More