Monsignor Damien Nalepa, the pastor at St. Gregory the Great, sees the best in humanity – and the Archdiocese of Baltimore – every Christmas season.Read More
VATICAN CITY – If the church wants to reach young people today, it must avoid the temptation to “fudge” on core Catholic beliefs in an effort to make them more agreeable to contemporary tastes, a Vatican official said.Read More
WASHINGTON – U.S. Catholics were repeatedly encouraged to find renewed hope in Christ during Pope Benedict XVI’s April 15-20 visit to the United States.Read More
In a move to provide more support to men considering priestly vocations, the Archdiocese of Baltimore is transforming the second floor of St. Matthew’s rectory in Northwood into a house of discernment.Read More
WASHINGTON – The election of Sen. Barack Obama as president Nov. 4 climaxed a dramatic political year in which the faltering economy ultimately steered voters’ decisions.Read More
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI gave his Roman Curia officials the traditional bottle of “spumante” and panettone cake for Christmas, and he added a gift they can chew on for days: a seven-page speech on the Holy Spirit’s presence in the church events of 2008.Read More
WASHINGTON – In the year marking the 40th anniversary of “Humanae Vitae,” Pope Paul VI’s encyclical on human life and birth control, discussion of bioethical issues was relatively muted, but 2009 is not expected to follow suit.Read More
WASHINGTON – With their Dec. 19 publication in the Federal Register, regulations that protect the conscience rights of health care providers are scheduled to become law two days before President-elect Barack Obama takes office.Read More
FAIRFAX, Va. – Conservative political activist Paul Weyrich, who was credited with coining the term “Moral Majority” and was considered a chief architect of the modern conservative movement, died Dec. 18 at age 66 after a lengthy illness. He lived in Fairfax.Read More
NEW HAVEN, Conn. – Tony Blair has won praise – even from those who have publicly disagreed with him on the Iraq War – for a seminar about the interplay between globalization and religious faith that he just finished teaching this semester at Yale University.Read More
In a yearlong celebration titled The Seton Legacy of Charity, the Daughters of Charity, Emmitsburg province, will kick off the bicentennial of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Jan. 4, 2009.Read More