VATICAN CITY – Catholics in Russia must work together with the country’s much larger Orthodox community to defend human life and the family and promote strong moral values, Pope Benedict XVI said.Read More
Staying astride an up-to-2,000-pound bucking, kicking, twisting bull has been described by some as the “the most dangerous eight seconds in sports.”Read More
The visual and performing arts talent in the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Catholic middle and high schools will be on display March 23 at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore.Read More
WASHINGTON – Poor families and vulnerable workers should be central priorities in any economic recovery legislation Congress adopts, said the U.S. bishops.Read More
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka – Bishop Thomas Savundaranayagam of the war-torn Diocese of Jaffna in northern Sri Lanka has joined 300 Christian and Hindu hunger strikers urging action to protect civilians caught in the ethnic conflict.Read More
NEW YORK – At the start of the new year, and with the Academy Awards fast approaching, the Office for Film & Broadcasting takes its annual look back at the past year in movies, singling out the worthiest for commendation.Read More
While Gloria Adams’ pride (CR, Jan. 29) in the election of the first African-American president is certainly justified, I have to wonder if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would share the writer’s unbridled enthusiasm that President Obama can “not only change America for the better, but the world as a whole in solving the economic...Read More
TRENTON, N.J. – It is Sunday morning and Sally and Tom are preparing to take their three children – 6-year-old Abby, 3-year-old Matthew and 1-year-old Joey – to Mass.Read More
WASHINGTON – This Lent and Easter “thousands of inactive Catholics” will go to church “and some will be open to an invitation to reconnect with their Catholic faith,” said a Paulist priest who is a leader in evangelization.Read More
VATICAN CITY – Granting marriage annulments too easily and without real cause plays into a modern form of pessimism that basically says human beings are not able to make lifelong commitments to loving another person, Pope Benedict XVI said.Read More
I would like the church to respond to the excellent letters (Jan. 29, CR) from Kaitlin Moran and Mike Brady. I am just as confused as they are regrading the standing of the Catholic Church on the issues of abortion, embryonic stem cell research, gay marriages and the Freedon of Choice Act, and what we...Read More
Walking arm-in-arm with her father up the aisle of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Highlandtown, Megan Fuller’s face was veiled with the traditional white “blusher.” Upon reaching the altar in the dim evening light, Larry Fuller ceremoniously lifted the veil and placed it gingerly behind his daughter’s head before sharing a kiss and hug, and offering...Read More