Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien ordained 13 new deacons for the Archdiocese of Baltimore during a joyful May 23 liturgy that highlighted their commitment to prayer and service.Read More
At the conclusion of Mass May 23, Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien looked out into the first few pews of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, Homeland, and observed 46 clergy and religious celebrating milestone jubilees.Read More
The Sunday morning quiet on Cathedral Street was disrupted May 24, when a Baltimore City Fire Department hook and ladder truck pulled in front of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.Read More
Marie Laura Tellier has privately lived the life of a hermit for the last 10 years in Western Maryland – spending many hours of every day in prayer and contemplation.Read More
The late great Cardinal Avery Dulles, S.J., once deplored what he cited as the penchant of some contemporary Catholics for “excessive and indiscreet compromise.” Without denying the value of open and honest debate, we would do well to beware of the role that such “compromise” played in raising the political tide that washed in our...Read More
MONTE CASSINO, Italy – At the Benedictine Abbey of Monte Cassino, founded by St. Benedict and rebuilt after being destroyed by U.S. bombers during World War II, Pope Benedict XVI prayed for peace.Read More
It was with great sadness that I learned of the closing of St. Mary of the Assumption School in Govans (CR, May 21). My six children attended St. Mary’s and all graduated with a wonderful education that prepared them for high school and college. I want to express my deepest thanks to the wonderful clergy,...Read More
VATICAN CITY – In a season of tension between the U.S. Catholic hierarchy and President Barack Obama, the Vatican newspaper has offered some unexpectedly upbeat reviews of the president’s first four months in office.Read More
WASHINGTON – Public television stations may be confronted by a hard choice later this year: drop their religious programming or risk losing their affiliation with the Public Broadcasting Service.Read More
WASHINGTON – On any given night Sister Betty Adams knows that usually she will see five or six women in the shelter she oversees for women fleeing domestic violence in Sierra Vista, Ariz., 80 miles southeast of Tucson.Read More
VATICAN CITY – Recent Vatican communications controversies have shown that in the Internet age the church cannot avoid debate and in fact must be prepared to explain its teachings more convincingly through new media, the Vatican’s spokesman said.Read More
MOUNT CALVARY, Wis. – High school graduation is a long-awaited day for seniors, a time when they’re warned about tripping across the stage as they receive their diplomas in front of family and friends.Read More