In a June 15 ceremony at the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Catholic Center, Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien honored young people who have shown apostolic action, Christian leadership and moral integrity. Each young person received an Eagle of the Cross award from the Division of Youth and Young Adult Ministry for their efforts.Read More
WASHINGTON – Despite cries of voter fraud and the promise of a limited ballot recount, two U.S. Catholic scholars said they believe the re-election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will stand.Read More
I sat down today to read with interest Father Dietzen’s answer (CR, June 4) regarding salvation through faith or good deeds. I have had similar discussions with Protestant friends and Catholics who look to the Magisterium’s directives on Mass attendance and the receiving of Communion as being the means to salvation.Read More
An hour before he was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, 38-year-old Hector Mateus-Ariza walked quietly to the spot in the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen where Pope John Paul II had prayed nearly 14 years earlier. There, he knelt and prayed to God to help him as he began his priestly journey.Read More
WASHINGTON – Hundreds of artifacts, including letters from 12th-century popes and religious artwork, have been returned to Italy after spending decades in a home near Chicago, FBI spokesman Ross Rice said in a June 8 statement.Read More
MEXICO CITY – A Mexican priest and two seminarians were shot dead while traveling to a religious retreat, said Archbishop Felipe Aguirre Franco of Acapulco.Read More
In the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor for a seat on the Supreme Court, much has been made of the fact that if approved, her presence on the Court will bring the number of Catholic justices to six – two-thirds of the total.Read More
WASHINGTON – Will federal health reform be like “the Massachusetts plan on steroids,” as one commentator predicted, or something else entirely? Will it require individuals or employers to “play or pay”? Will it involve some new form of government-run health care or leave the current system more or less intact? And the biggest question of...Read More
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI urged international leaders to turn their attention to the growing problem of world hunger as they deal with the global economic crisis.Read More
VATICAN CITY –Each and every one of the world’s 408,000 priests should feel loved, respected, valued and supported in his vocation to bring the Gospel to an increasingly secular – but still open – world, said Cardinal Claudio Hummes.Read More