WASHINGTON – After a painful controversy about the sometimes bombastic comments made by the former pastor at their longtime church in Chicago, President Barack Obama said he and his wife, Michelle, were treading carefully in choosing a worship community in Washington.Read More
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI dedicated a portion of his new social encyclical, “Caritas in Veritate” (“Charity in Truth”), to the urgent duty to share the earth’s resources equitably and safeguard the environment for future generations.Read More
The Knights of Columbus of Maryland is participating in a North American effort paying special tribute to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, through the Silver Rose Program.Read More
WASHINGTON – Today’s international economic model requires a new way of understanding business enterprise, Pope Benedict XVI said in his third encyclical, “Caritas in Veritate” (“Charity in Truth”).Read More
WASHINGTON – Pope Benedict XVI called on labor unions to look beyond their membership when protecting the rights of workers and turn their attention to workers in other fields and in developing countries where social rights are violated.Read More
VATICAN CITY – Ethical values are needed to overcome the current global economic crisis as well as to eradicate hunger and promote the real development of all the world’s peoples, Pope Benedict XVI said in his new encyclical.Read More
WASHINGTON – Keeping a pro-life sensibility during hard economic times can actually help a society through those trying years, Pope Benedict XVI said in his third encyclical, “Caritas in Veritate” (“Charity in Truth”).Read More
WASHINGTON – Although 30,000 of the approximately 49,000 comments on the National Institutes of Health’s draft guidelines on human embryonic stem-cell research opposed any federal funding of such research, those responses were “deemed not responsive to the question put forth,” according to the acting director of NIH.Read More
Two hundred years after St. Elizabeth Ann Seton arrived in Emmitsburg to found a ministry of education, hundreds of Catholics will commemorate her entry into town as they witness a live Aug. 2 reenactment complete with a horse-drawn Conestoga Wagon.Read More
WASHINGTON – There will always be solid differences of belief over whether abortion should be legal, but that doesn’t mean common ground isn’t possible on how to reduce abortion, President Barack Obama told a round table of religion reporters July 2.Read More
VATICAN CITY – Pope Benedict XVI asked leaders of the world’s wealthiest countries to “listen to the voice of Africa” and poor countries during their summit in Italy.Read More