WASHINGTON – Pope Benedict XVI described migration as “a social phenomenon of epoch-making proportions” in his social encyclical, “Caritas in Veritate” (“Charity in Truth”).Read More
WASHINGTON – Jim Cummings didn't exactly study his chosen career field during his 12 years of Catholic schooling, but he certainly honed his craft.Read More
JERUSALEM (CNS) - Booklets claiming that the Vatican helped organize tours of the Auschwitz concentration camp for Hezbollah members to teach them how to wipe out Jews were distributed to Israeli soldiers for several months before Israeli military officials suspended the distribution.Read More
WASHINGTON (CNS) - U.S. Sen. Any Klobuchar, D-Minn., described theology professor Miguel Diaz as someone capable of narrowing gaps between communities and called his life a "modern-day immigrant success story."Read More
WASHINGTON – If coverage of abortion is not excluded in health care reform legislation, Catholics should refuse to pay their taxes, anti-abortion activist Randall Terry said.Read More
WASHINGTON – Health care is a matter of human life and dignity, a bishop wrote in a July 17 letter to Congress on behalf of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.Read More
WASHINGTON – Pope Benedict XVI “has a vision of the human person that transcends seeing us as economic units or raw units to be used for biotechnical development,” said John Haas, president of the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia.Read More
Too often we hear people saying that we are in a crisis of vocations, and that the number of priests is too small for the huge needs of the church. Is that true? Well, it depends how one sees reality.Read More
The Catholic Church in her Catechism teaches, “Among the Christian faithful by divine institution there exist in the Church sacred ministers, who are also called clerics.” (#934). The exact meaning of priestly titles and offices in this divine institution, however, would develop over time. In the documents of the early church there are scattered references...Read More
LES COMBES, Italy – With his right hand immobilized in a cast, Pope Benedict XVI is using a voice recorder to put down his thoughts and ideas, said the Vatican spokesman.Read More
ST. LOUIS – Father Raymond H. Reis, a retired priest at St. Louis University who was a longtime professor and also had worked as a nurse, died July 19 at age 104 at his university residence.Read More