
January 19, 2012

‘Outpouring of prayer’ shows shooting victims not alone, says bishop

PITTSBURGH - An “outpouring of prayer” has come “from every corner of southwestern Pennsylvania” for the victims of a gunman who shot up a suburban Pittsburgh fitness center Aug. 4, said Bishop David A. Zubik.
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Knights gather in Phoenix to offer one another fraternal support

PHOENIX – More than 2,500 Knights of Columbus and their families from all over the world joined 80 bishops and eight cardinals for an Aug. 4 Mass inaugurating the Knights’ 127th annual supreme convention.
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Strength in beatitudes

Sometimes great wisdom comes in short sentences. Sister Dorothy Hunt, a retired School Sister of Notre Dame, said “If everybody kept the Ten Commandments, the prisons would be empty. If everyone lived the beatitudes, it would be heaven on earth!” Such simplicity and such profound wisdom in just a few sentences.
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Cuban-American confirmed as ninth US ambassador to the Vatican

WASHINGTON – Catholic theologian Miguel Diaz was confirmed by the U.S. Senate Aug. 4 as the ninth U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.
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Natural Family Planning also uses Creighton model

I was so thrilled to see a column by Archbishop O’Brien (CR, July 23) about Natural Family Planning (NFP). My husband and I use NFP and feel it enriches our marriage and strengthens our family. Only the Couple to Couple League (CCL) was mentioned as an NFP method. Last fall I traveled to Omaha, to...
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Archdiocese aids volunteer effort to repair homes

Approximately 275 Catholic teens and adults participated in the Micah Experience Work Camp from July 26-31, performing free repairs at the homes of 45 elderly, handicapped and low-income residents in the Baltimore area.
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What message should Catholics send Congress on health care reform?

WASHINGTON – As the House of Representatives headed out of Washington for a five-week summer recess, with the Senate soon to follow, members of Congress were vowing to listen to their constituents’ views on health care reform.
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British bishops say proposed EU directive could oppress Christians

LONDON – Britain’s Catholic bishops have said a proposed European Union equality directive could force Christians to act against their consciences.
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Mexican bishops criticize federal police for drug raid during Mass

MEXICO CITY – The Mexican Catholic bishops’ conference has criticized federal police for bursting into a Mass in Mexico’s western Michoacan state to apprehend an alleged drug-cartel lieutenant.
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Working paper outlines information being sought from religious orders

WASHINGTON – Orders of women religious in the United States will be asked to complete a comprehensive questionnaire that looks at six areas of religious life in preparation for a series of apostolic visits set to begin in January.
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Archbishop pleas for conscience rights protections

Rejecting a plea from Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien, Maryland Democratic Rep. John Sarbanes voted against an amendment to a health care reform bill July 30 that would have prohibited any mandated abortion coverage, except in cases of rape, incest or life-threatening danger to the mother.
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Health care reform promotes socialism

I have heard and read a great deal about health care reform proposed by the president and Congress, but what the bills in Congress and the Senate propose is not reform but change from our current system of providing health care to a government controlled system. I entered the health insurance industry in 1963 and...
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