When The Catholic Review asked high school athletic directors in the Archdiocese of Baltimore to nominate deserving students for a new feature that gives classroom and off-the-field accomplishments the same weight as athletic prowess, the first person nominated was Jared Matthews.Read More
LOS ANGELES – Both the city and the county of Los Angeles will suffer if a nationally acclaimed gang-intervention program has to shut down, even temporarily, said the Jesuit priest who founded the program more than two decades ago.Read More
Archbishop O’Brien’s thoughtful reflection (CR, Sept. 3) on the legacy of Sen. Edward Kennedy reminds readers of a sad reality of political expediency taken by so many Catholic political leaders of our time. Frequently we will hear devout Catholic men and women who hold political office – from all levels of our local and state...Read More
DETROIT – A major financial restructuring plan for the Archdiocese of Detroit, which is losing approximately $42,000 per day, calls for a 29 percent decrease in the number of employees, the sale of buildings, moving administrative support offices to a more cost-efficient property in the city, and the elimination of the subsidy for The Michigan...Read More
After reading and viewing countless articles, columns and TV specials following the death of Sen. Edward Kennedy, I found the most positive message from Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien (CR., Sept. 3). At the end of the column was the notice that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops would be reporting on health care reform which...Read More
In letters to Congress, both Bishop William F. Murphy, representing the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal Justin Rigali, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, expressed strong but qualified support for reforming our health care system. This is a position the bishops have taken for decades in support of the uninsured and calling...Read More
KRAKOW, Poland – Religious faith and dialogue can lead humanity away from the abyss of war, hatred and fear and point to the path to peace, said leaders representing Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and other religions around the world at a congress in Poland.Read More
WASHINGTON – As members of Congress returned to Washington after their summer recess, much of the focus for the hottest topic before them – health care reform – seemed to be farther north, in Massachusetts.Read More
Summer is ending and so, it appears, is many people’s patience with health care reform. The daily barrage of information, disinformation and ambiguous answers about the proposals is wearing thin the enthusiasm that should accompany overhaul of a system so obviously in need of reform.Read More
WASHINGTON –“Every Child Brings Us God’s Smile” is the theme for the 2009-2010 Respect Life program, based on one of Pope Benedict XVI’s homilies during the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.Read More