Members of the U.S. bishops' subcommittee overseeing the Catholic Campaign for Human Development reassured their fellow bishops and donors that “no group that opposes Catholic social or moral teaching is eligible for funding” from their domestic anti-poverty campaign.Read More
A bill that would impose new requirements on pro-life pregnancy centers in the city took a step closer to becoming law when the Baltimore City Council passed the measure 12-3 in a preliminary vote Nov. 16. Bill 09-0406 now faces a final vote after Thanksgiving and, if approved, will head to Mayor Sheila Dixon.Read More
School Sister of Notre Dame Maura Eichner, a member of the College of Notre Dame’s class of 1941 and a professor of writing there for 50 years, died Nov. 15, after a long illness.Read More
VATICAN CITY – The cardinal- and bishop-members of the Congregation for Saints' Causes voted unanimously Nov. 16 to recommend that Pope Benedict XVI formally recognize that Pope John Paul II heroically lived the Christian virtues, Italian newspapers reported.Read More
Fifty years to the day that Archbishop Francis P. Keough dedicated the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, friends and parishioners of the Homeland landmark gathered Nov. 15 to celebrate its golden jubilee.Read More
There is always room for more servants in the Lord’s vineyard. Whether as clergy, religious or laity, the Church relies on people of faith to share their gifts with others for the glory of God and His Church.Read More
Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago contemplated a scenario of what the church would look like without priests in his presidential address on the first day of the U.S. bishops' annual fall general assembly in Baltimore Nov. 16-19.Read More
Around the Archdiocese of Baltimore, students showed their support for veterans by participating in various celebrations and activities Nov. 11.Read More
VATICAN CITY – The establishment of special structures for Anglicans who want to enter into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church absolutely is not a signal of the end of ecumenical dialogue with the Anglican Communion, said the Vatican’s chief ecumenist.Read More
WASHINGTON - Pope Benedict XVI has named Bishop Jerome E. Listecki of La Crosse, Wis., to be the archbishop of Milwaukee and Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades of Harrisburg, Pa., to be the bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, Ind.Read More