There’s a parable told of an angel walking into a city just as the plague was walking out of the city. The angel said to the plague: “You should be ashamed of yourself for killing all those people!” The plague replied: “I only killed a few. Fear killed the rest.”Read More
If we thought things were bizarre before in the Baltimore City Council’s effort to create a law targeting nonprofit, pro-life pregnancy resource centers, it went from the sublime to the ridiculous this week.Read More
Why am I here? This is a question I must answer for myself as I begin my sixth year as Rector of the Seminary of Our Lady of Providence in Rhode Island. It’s a question I have prayed about for the last 13 years as a seminary faculty member, a question I bring to daily...Read More
Two unusual events recently stirred excitement at Emmitsburg's Mount St. Mary's University. First, a double rainbow appeared over the school during a rainstorm.Read More
The Premier See is ready to take the BBQ Capital of the World by storm. A delegation of 261 from the Archdiocese of Baltimore will attend the biennial National Catholic Youth Conference in Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 19 to 21. A convention center and the Sprint Center arena will be filled with 20,000 Catholic youths...Read More
The U.S. bishops approved the English translation and U.S. adaptations of five final sections of the Roman Missal in voting on the second day of their annual fall general assembly in Baltimore.Read More
The U.S. bishops overwhelmingly approved a revision to the directives that guide Catholic health care facilities, clarifying that patients with chronic conditions who are not imminently dying should receive food and water by “medically assisted” means if they cannot take them normally.Read More
Despite the concern voiced by some bishops about the document's pastoral tone and content, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops approved a pastoral letter on marriage Nov. 17.Read More
When Archbishop Edwin F. O'Brien referred to the rector of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen as “the indomitable, irrepressible Monsignor Robert Armstrong,” hundreds of parishioners interrupted the archbishop's Nov. 15 cathedral homily with applause.Read More
The U.S. bishops chose new chairmen-elect for five committees, as well as their representatives to two boards, in balloting Nov. 16 and 17 in Baltimore.Read More
The successful effort by leaders and staff members of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to press lawmakers to keep abortion out of health care reform legislation in the House of Representatives provides an example for the future, according to the chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development.Read More