Experience is the best teacher for students enrolled in Baltimore Catholic high schools’ programs that offer young people hands-on practice in everything from medicine and engineering to tutoring and carpentry. Calvert Hall College High School in Towson and Seton Keogh High School, Institute of Notre Dame and Mercy High School of Baltimore are among the...Read More
“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted…” (Mt 5:3-5) reverberates in my head as the world looks on in stunned horror and sadness at the aftermath of a devastating earthquake on the island of Haiti. Millions have been affected...Read More
As we face the terrible tragedy and devastation in Haiti, many of us have our faith tested. Where is God? How does God allow evil to happen? Atheists often point to experiences like this to dismiss faith in God altogether.Read More
Heidi Montag has given new meaning to the concept of one-stop shopping. The 23-year-old reality TV star – one of those who is famous for being famous – underwent 10 plastic-surgery procedures in one day, as pin pointed in People magazine and now scrutinized online.Read More
In a recent homily, it was suggested that all of us are exiles – at least in some internal, psychological or spiritual way – from the abundant life God holds out for us. There may well be some food for thought here, but for me, especially as I write this article, “exiles” most clearly applies...Read More
Priests have probably always suffered from the demands of trying to do too much. Priests are mandated through the ordination rite to act ‘in persona Christi.’The priest today continues this mission of Jesus in the midst of a very difficult and demanding time. There are various adjustments that priests must make in the course of...Read More
NEW YORK – An ad scheduled to air on CBS during the network’s broadcast of the Feb. 7 Super Bowl has generated criticism from groups such as the National Organization for Women because of its pro-life message.Read More
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic – Saintivo Gassant boarded a small, intercity bus with 37 other passengers - mostly fellow Haitians - at a ramshackle station in the Dominican capital, beginning a seven-hour journey back to the rubble of his native Port-au-Prince.Read More
VATICAN CITY – Marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Pope Benedict XVI prayed that honoring the memory of the 6 million Jews who died in the Nazi death camps would lead everyone to greater respect for each human being.Read More
A brigadier general acknowledges that her success is due in part to the training she got in Catholic schools. She got used to the discipline and uniforms, and finds the lessons useful as a she leads the Maryland National Guard.Read More
WASHINGTON – As some 20,000 people marched along F Street in Northwest D.C. after the Youth Rally and Mass for Life Jan. 22, Rebecca Ferguson, 14, observed that everyone has a reason for marching.Read More