Pounded by the worst economy in decades, the Archdiocese of Baltimore suffered a $34.3 million deficit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. The figure was released in an archdiocesan financial report provided to The Catholic Review and available on pages 12-13 of the March 18 issue.Read More
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Archdiocese of Baltimore are expected to make a major push for comprehensive immigration reform as election season approaches.Read More
VATICAN CITY – Amid new disclosures of priestly sex abuse cases in Europe, including one in the German archdiocese formerly headed by Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican strongly defended the church’s response to the crisis and said the pope has led the effort to root out “filth” in the church.Read More
CAPE TOWN, South Africa – The diversity of the church in South Africa and its many ministries and programs are being promoted to thousands of World Cup soccer fans on a new Web site launched by the country’s bishops.Read More
WASHINGTON – In a world that boasts continual technological change, the iPhone by Apple has gained near-iconic status. Even Apple boasts there are more than 140,000 applications - or “apps,” in Apple-speak - that users can obtain for their phones.Read More
VATICAN CITY – The role of religion in public life, long written off by many in secular societies, is growing steadily around the world and demands closer attention by civil authorities, speakers at a Rome conference said. “Religion has been and will continue to be a powerful force that shapes and is shaped by historical...Read More
ROME – Love, honesty and devotion to Christ are essential for facing the crisis in the church and in the priesthood caused by cases of clerical sexual abuse, an Australian archbishop said.Read More
The men recently honored by Pope Benedict XVI with the title of “monsignor” are being recognized for being “totally available to the people of God,” Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien told a capacity crowd March 7 at Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland.Read More
Christian Jacobs studied the class ring he had received just months ago, identifying him as a member of The Cardinal Gibbons School’s Class of 2011. “It’s for a year we’ll never have,” Jacobs said March 6. “This is a heartbreaker.”Read More