WASHINGTON – Catholic Charities USA and its many U.S. diocesan-based affiliates have long been known as social service providers. But they’ve also been part of the job-creation movement, even in the midst of tough economic times, and even for some of the hardest-to-place job seekers.Read More
COLOGNE, Germany – A priest of the German-speaking Catholic community in Washington has been recalled to Germany after accusations that, while he lived in Germany, he had sex with young women in his pastoral care.Read More
HARWOOD – Ever since the 6th grade, Andrea Norwood has been thinking about becoming a religious sister. There’s something appealing about dedicating one’s life to God and service, she said.Read More
Though baptized Presbyterian as an infant, I grew up without any discussion of, or experience with, Christianity at home. But I always believed in a higher order of things, and had a sense that this higher order was a benevolent force. In my late 20s, I began to understand that having faith in a power...Read More
We need all of the faithful to join us in prayer. That’s as simple as it can get. Your intentional prayer is needed. After all, we have already witnessed throughout history that the voices of many are heard by God. Let’s join together, families to families, churches to churches, religious communities to other religious communities...Read More
During Lent I had the privilege of leading a couple of evenings of reflection at St. Casimir in Canton. After one of the services, a lady told me about the parish during WWII. She said that right across from the church was a packing plant. Among the workers there were a number of German soldiers...Read More
VATICAN CITY – Recalling a recent meeting with victims of sex abuse by clergy, Pope Benedict XVI reiterated his promise that the church was doing everything it could to end abuse.Read More
WASHINGTON – Pope Benedict XVI has named Bishop Thomas G. Wenski of Orlando, Fla., 59, as archbishop of Miami and accepted the resignation of Archbishop John C. Favalora, 74, who has headed the archdiocese since 1994.Read More
WASHINGTON – Arizona’s three bishops and Los Angeles Cardinal Roger M. Mahony have joined those urging Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to veto legislation that the cardinal called “the country’s most retrogressive, mean-spirited and useless anti-immigrant law.”Read More