GUADALAJARA, Mexico – An 80-year-old priest was murdered July 28 in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, where church officials say attacks on prelates have become distressingly common.Read More
PHOENIX – Arizona’s Catholic bishops were among religious leaders who praised a July 28 ruling that blocked enforcement of the most controversial sections of the state’s immigration law a day before it took effect.Read More
VIENNA – After three decades in which the AIDS pandemic has ravaged lives and communities around the globe, those struggling against the disease at the grass roots say AIDS continues to present difficult challenges to the Catholic Church.Read More
WASHINGTON - Canon law – the legal rules that guide church operations and decision-making – allows a local bishop to close any parish as long as his decision is made with the best interests of the entire diocese in mind.Read More
Forty years ago, I became a chaplain in the United States Army. That fact came home to me as I prepared a talk to be given last Saturday at Fort Myer, Va., to past and present members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade, the unit I served with in Vietnam in 1971.Read More
In the midst of the intense heat in mid-July I heard a line that reflected both good advice for coping with the heat, as well as good advice for coping with life. Allow me to give some background.Read More
MAHWAH, N.J. – Paulist Father Lawrence Boadt, a leading Catholic biblical scholar and former CEO and president of Paulist Press, died at his residence in Mahwah July 24 after a long battle with cancer. He was 67.Read More
DUBLIN – In the wake of a series of clerical child abuse scandals, the country’s newest prelate, Bishop Liam S. MacDaid of Clogher, called on the people of his diocese to join him in “a repentant return to the well of salvation.”Read More
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. – At the July 21 Eagle Remembrance Ceremony for nine fallen Fort Campbell soldiers, families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice paused in front of portraits of their loved ones to embrace and wipe away tears while members of the standing room only crowd did the same.Read More
VATICAN CITY – A papal charity donated $250,000 for the reconstruction of a school in Haiti and as a sign of Pope Benedict XVI’s concern for the earthquake-devastated population.Read More