In response to Jack Schanberger’s doctrine question (CR, July 15), the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “Direct abortion, that is, abortion that is willed as an end or a means, is a ‘criminal’ practice, gravely contrary to moral law” (CCC 2271). We are to protect the life of every human being as far as...Read More
WASHINGTON – Saying that marriage between a man and a woman “is the bedrock of any society,” Chicago Cardinal Francis E. George, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, denounced the Aug. 4 decision of a federal judge to overturn a California voter-backed initiative that essentially banned same-sex marriage.Read More
TOULOUSE, France – With sore feet and stiff shoulders, Dominic Jacques entered Toulouse’s St. Sernin Basilica like so many before him: wearing a heavy pack on his back, a white scallop shell on his side, and a look of wonder on his face.Read More
A Baltimore City law that requires pro-life pregnancy centers to post signs stating they don’t provide abortion and birth control remains on the books while a federal judge weighs its constitutionality.Read More
ARLINGTON, Va. – Two members of the Benedictine Sisters of Virginia remained in critical condition Aug. 4 following an accident that killed another member of their religious community.Read More
According to the The New Missal series reflection (CR, July 29), “Polls show that many Catholics do not understand that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist.” How is this possible? If true, what else do many Catholics not understand about their faith that they ought to understand? Whose fault is it?Read More
In the Eucharistic Prayer, the bread and wine have been consecrated, transformed into the body and blood of Christ by the words of institution, spoken by Christ the Great High Priest through the mouth the priest celebrant. In light of love’s marvelous exchange, Christ is present, and we are able to be in communion with...Read More
ST. MARC, Haiti – It is well after hours for the students of The Good Samaritans School, but Dieula, one of its bright 13-year-olds, is in the home of its founder, using the evening to polish a foreign tongue that will supplement her native Creole.Read More
Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien has asked four individuals to serve as guest columnists in August. The first is Paulist Father John Hurley, the executive director of the archdiocesan Department of Evangelization.Read More
With an enrollment topping 780 and a staff approaching 100, St. Margaret School in Bel Air is one of the biggest schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.Read More