The Catholic Review It is advice the Master Himself offers: Go out into the highways and byways and invite! This past year, thanks to the initiative of our indefatigable Vocations Director, Father Jerry Francik, what encouragement I have experienced to travel the highways of the Archdiocese to seven homes—all a good distance from headquarters here...Read More
For decades, the Catholic bishops of the United States have been and continue to be consistent and strong advocates for comprehensive health care reform that leads to health care for all, including the weakest and most vulnerable. In anticipation of a possible final vote on the U.S. Senate’s heath care reform bill, Archbishop Edwin F....Read More
VATICAN CITY – A priest who confesses sexual abuse in the sacrament of penance should be absolved and should generally not be encouraged by the confessor to disclose his acts publicly or to his superiors, a Vatican official said.Read More
LASIK surgery still can sound intimidating to a lot of people. The procedure involves cutting a flap into a person's cornea so a laser can be used to vaporize part of the cornea's midsection. The surgery permanently changes the shape of the clear section of the front of the eye in order to eliminate or...Read More