
March 8, 2010

Magliano confuses defense with those who start wars

Tony Magliano (CR, March 4) should offer his State of the Union to nations that start wars, not those willing to defend themselves against aggression and oppression. Christians have a right and duty to oppose force with force under certain conditions. His pacifist message to a peace-loving nation only serves to encourage nations that believe...
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Weigel criticism of Father Hesburgh unwarranted

George Weigel’s latest diatribe on the University of Notre Dame (CR, March 4) and the state of Catholic higher education in general crossed the line with his subtle slap at Holy Cross Father Theodore Hesburgh. The former president of this great university has done more for Catholic higher education in this nation, and humanity as...
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Bishop in Orissa backs villagers against Korean steel giant

BHUBANESWAR, India – The Catholic Church in Orissa offered support to villagers fighting a Korean steel giant that they say threatens to displace thousands of people with its planned $12 billion development project in eastern India.
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