
April 30, 2009

Archbishop Encourages Catholic Parishes to Implement Safeguards vs. Swine Flu

Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien issued a letter today to Catholic clergy, religious and laity in the Archdiocese of Baltimore encouraging the implementation of a number of safeguards to protect against the spread of Swine Flu in Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. “We think it prudent to suggest some specific temporary steps that our...
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Archdiocese offers guidelines regarding Swine Flu outbreak

The Archbishop of Baltimore has issued some safeguards to help ensure that churches do not contribute to the spread of the Swine Flu. Below are listed some temporary, specific steps, which can be followed.
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Some parishes change Mass practices to prevent spread of swine flu

WASHINGTON – As the number of swine influenza cases increases around the world, some U.S. bishops are suggesting ways that pastors can alter certain practices within the celebration of Mass in an effort to prevent the spread of the highly contagious virus.
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