
November 19, 2007

Statement Of Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien

It was with great joy that I received word that our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI named Archbishop Timothy Broglio, Apostolic Nuncio to Dominican Republic, Archbishop for the Military Services. The appointment indicates the special regard of the Holy See for America’s Military Archdiocese. I have known Archbishop Broglio for many years and I consider...
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MCC leader says special session helped the poor

On the same day Maryland lawmakers concluded a three-week special legislative session to address the state’s budget deficit Nov. 19, the leader of the Maryland Catholic Conference praised lawmakers for making the poor a priority in their planning.
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St. Mary-Loyola partnership supported with grant

We read with great interest your article, “On the go in Govans,” in the Nov. 8 edition of The Catholic Review. This innovative partnership between St. Mary of the Assumption School and Loyola College is a win-win situation for both schools.
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