
January 18, 2007

Blazers edge Sailors

With 40 swimmers and a history of excellence, the Notre Dame Preparatory, Towson, Blazers are out to a 3-0 run (6-0 overall) in the Interscholastic Athletic Association of Maryland’s “A” Conference. “I knew they were going to be strong when we got started in early November,” said first-year Blazer head coach Terri Byrd.
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Deep brain stimulation helps treat Parkinson’s symptoms

While it won’t cure Parkinson’s disease nor halt its progress, deep brain stimulation (DBS) can help patients manage symptoms like trembling, slowed movement and abnormal muscle movements. “Deep brain stimulation physically involves the insertion of electrodes deep within the brain that are electrically stimulated to control the adverse symptoms of Parkinson’s disease,” explained Sharon Powell,...
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