
March 5, 2006

St. Lucius I

St. Lucius I became the 22nd pope in 253. He forbade men and women who were not blood relatives to live together. He also condemned the Novatians for refusing sacraments to the fallen but penitent. He died in 254. St. Lucius I is the patron saint of Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Homily Given by Cardinal Keeler at St. Michael’s

En la noche del viernes regresé de un viaje a Cuba. Fuí a Cuba por una invitación del Obispo José Siro Gonzalez Bacallao, Obispo de Pinar del Río, en el occidente de la isla. Estuve allí para celebrar a su Santo Patrón, San Rosendo. Mientras estuve allá me reuní con el Cardenal Jaime Lucas Ortega...
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