
June 2, 2004

From Time to Time

Questions are being raised about offering the Eucharist to certain Catholic politicians whose records indicate their support for abortion. Let no one be confused about the fundamental importance of the human life issue in our ongoing public policy debate. In homilies given over the years and published in the Catholic Review I have said the...
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Prayer Vigil for Murdered Children

Dear Father Gilmour, On behalf of the Archdiocese of Baltimore and on my own behalf, please convey to the families of the children who died and to the Hispanic community the expression of my deepest sympathy. May the Lord grant them consolation in the hope of eternal life, and may Our Lady of Guadalupe intercede...
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Prayer Vigil for Murdered Children – Spanish

Estimado Padre Gilmour, En nombre de la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore y en el mío propio, les doy mi más sentido pésame a las familias de los niños que fallecieron y a toda la comunidad hispana. Que el Señor les dé consuelo en la esperanza de la vida eterna, y que Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe interceda...
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