Radio Interview: Why Dante’s ‘Inferno’ matters today
Archbishop Lori names David Kinkopf as new Catholic Charities executive director
Maryland March for Life participants urged to remain steadfast
Archbishop Lori announces appointments, including pastor and deacon assignments
Conventual Franciscan Father Richard Florek, first Franciscan at St. Clement Mary Hofbauer, dies at 80
The Scripture readings for this Third Sunday of Lent draw a sharp contrast between the burning bush Moses encountered in the desert, and the fig tree Jesus describes in his parable. One is brimming with life. The other is alive but fruitless. Let us take a second look at the burning bush and barren the fig tree, and take to heart the message they convey. Read More
Lent is about acquiring the humility of Christ, who emptied himself of glory and offered himself on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins.Read More
Underneath all the striving, the effort, the anguish we are constantly looking for something more than human respect and material success can of themselves give us: We are in fact hoping to be loved and to love others in return. Love is the oxygen of human life and we are all hoping to breathe.Read More
As we celebrate this anniversary, then, let us ask for two favors from Our Lord: First the grace of sincere repentance during this holy season of Lent, that we may experience a conversion and purification like that of Zacchaeus, and that we may gratefully receive absolution from our sins in the Sacrament of Penance.Read More
This year’s celebration takes place during the Jubilee of Hope, a year set aside by Pope Francis to celebrate the hope we share in Christ Jesus. You, our jubilarians, and indeed of all the consecrated, are witnesses of hope.Read More
“Let’s together pray that broken families might experience the healing of their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts even in their differences. ”
“We are called to be a light brightly visible, not to proclaim ourselves but to proclaim Christ Jesus as Lord.” – Archbishop William E. Lori
Archbishop William E. Lori offers his homily during the opening Mass of the 136th Supreme Convention of the Knight of Columbus at the Baltimore Convention Center August 7. (Kevin J. Parks/CR Staff)
Welcome to the Archdiocese of Baltimore
God calls the Catholics of the Archdiocese of Baltimore to be a welcoming, worshipping community of faith, hope, and love. Through his Spirit, the Lord Jesus lives in those who believe, and reaches into our world with his saving message and healing love.
When congregants are sitting in the pew during #Mass, they may be focused on the action on the altar. In the meantime, #safety professionals are helping leaders learn to recognize potential threats of violence in their parishes and how to respond effectively.
Hosted in partnership with the archdiocese’s Office of Risk Management, the Threat Evaluation and Reporting Overview (TERO) session aimed to equip church leaders and volunteers with the tools to spot warning signs and take preventive action.
Last Sunday March 23rd, Calvert Hall College performed at Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church
The high school also asked Calvert Hall College Alumni to come up and join in singing the Alma Mater. Holding the sign with the words is Steve Kipke an IHM parishioner and CH alum.
Sister Alice was among 40 women religious honored March 15 for their milestone jubilees during a special Mass and luncheon at St. Agnes in Catonsville. Collectively, the jubilarians have devoted 2,455 years of ministry to the Catholic Church.
Nearly five months after Marylanders overwhelmingly voted to enshrine abortion in the state Constitution – and just weeks after Maryland lawmakers agreed to use a $25 million fund to help pay for abortions – hundreds of unwavering pro-life advocates took to the streets of Annapolis March 27 for ...
The Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today (BOOST) Scholarship Program offers financial assistance to students who meet the criteria for the free or reduced-price school meals program (FARMs) to enroll in a participating nonpublic school.
More Info:
El Programa de becas Broadening Options and Opportunities for Students Today (BOOST) ofrece asistencia financiera a los estudiantes que cumplen con los criterios del programa de comidas escolares gratuitas o de precio reducido para inscribirse en una escuela privada.
Más información:
Del. C.T. Wilson, sponsor of the Child Victims Act that was passed by the Maryland Legislature in 2023, said he wants to ensure that the names of all perpetrators of child sexual abuse in the state Department of Juvenile Justice are made public.